1Breadcrumb Reports

This is the summary of each Item in the Reports Menu and its functions.

1. Live Attendance. This allows you to view who is on-site at any particular time. You can view all users or filter by a particular user.

2. Activity Report. This allows you to view who was on-site between a date and time frame. You can view all users or filter a particular user.

3. Asset Report. This is where you can find all of the types of equipment, tools, storage, and vehicles, the date assigned, as well as the current user.

4. Card Report. This allows you to view user uploaded documents for each attendance. You can view all attendances or filter by a particular field.

5. Induction Report. This allows you to view who has completed company-specific or site-specific inductions. This also allows you to approve or reject the user's induction. 

6. Form Report. This allows you to search all the forms that have been answered or filled out already.

7. Approvals. This allows you to search all of the Induction, Supplier documents, Attendances, and permits that are Approved, Rejected, or Pending.

8. My Scheduled Report. Reports that are scheduled in the activity report are to be sent out.

9. Contact Tracing. This feature allows you to view who was in contact with a specific user.

10. Permits. This allows you to view the permits that are Open, On-hold, or Closed.