View Completed Permit to Work Records

This article will assist you with locating where your Permits are held as well as any Permit activity

Please see the article "How to create Permits?"


For a list of your currently active Permits 

Locate the Forms sub-menu found after opening the Editor menu on the left-hand side of the portal. Once opened you will have a list of all currently active forms, which includes Permits.

If this area is currently blank, unlike the one below and you're looking to create Permits, please see the article "How to create Permits?".

To see any activity associated with Permits

Navigate your way to the Reports menu on the left-hand side of the portal and select the sub-menu Form Report. 

From here, you can filter by the type of form you are looking to find any activity for, in this instance, we are looking to select Permit, as seen below.

This will pull up a list of any activity associated with Permits that has occurred.