Create a Form

Create a form for workers to fill out after checked in to a site.

Step 1:

Click on Editor then Forms

Step 2:

Click on

Step 3:
Fill in the following details:

3.1. Name. The name of your form.

3.2. Button Title. The title show in the app. This can be the same as the name - if multiple forms are left blank they all go into the same group.

3.3. Type. This allows you to create the following form. Generic, Permit, or Plant Forms.
If you want to create a normal form for your workers to complete while checked in, recommended type is Generic.

3.4. Scope. It can be Company Specific, where the content in the Form is for ALL sites in the company. Or it can be Site Specific, where the content of the Form is manually added for specific sites.

3.5. Ask Mode. The users may be able to access the form While checked-in, After check-out, or Anytime. - Recommended While Checked-in

3.6. Is Active? Yes, if the form is still active or No, if the form is no longer in use. 

3.7. Form Group. If you wish for your Forms to be categorized/grouped with other forms.

3.8. Do you want to limit visitors based on types? If Yes, toggle the button and it will show you the visitor types you created.

If there is no visitor type yet. Please refer to "How to create Visitor Types?".

Step 4:

4.1. Click on the Item(s) tab and click then click on the button beside the question you wish to add to your form. These are the Question you made from the Question Repository.


You can create your Questions first in the Question Repository then add them all in Forms, or create a new on on the spot by selecting .

4.2. You can now see the Questions added to your Forms.

4.3. You can also add Documents and Announcements on your Form.

  • For Documents, click on the  and you can see the documents that can be added, click on the button beside the document, you can also have this as Optional or Mandatory. - Documents generally = Licence upload
  • For Announcements, similar to questions, you need to add the Announcements in the Announcements Menu first, please see "How to Create an Announcement." If you already have an announcement made, click on the  and click on the button beside the announcement you wish to add on your form.

Step 5:

Once you have filled out all of the details and added all of the information for your form, click on the button to save. 

Congratulations! You have now successfully created your Forms!