Send Onboarding Invitation to Suppliers

Gather and organise all the essential safety documents from your Suppliers in one convenient place before they begin their work on site.

Simply by sending your Suppliers an Onboarding Invitation, this will guide them to easily upload their SWMS/RAMS along with opening the necessary Permits to Work that your business requires, and completing the necessary documents for the Plant/Equipment they plan to bring to your site. This ensures that they've taken care of the required documents you need before they embark on specific activities.

Upon receiving all the safety documents required from your Suppliers, Company/Site Hosts will then have the opportunity to thoroughly review each document and give the green light before work commences. 

Prerequisites 🚨

Here are the prerequisites that will need to be completed prior to Onboarding Suppliers:

  • Suppliers must be set up and listed in the Site Suppliers Directory. 
  • Should you wish for Suppliers to complete your companies Induction material/s prior to arriving on site, all induction material must be built into 1Breadcrumb to enable Suppliers to complete the material prior to commencing work on site. Additionally, the site-specific induction material should be linked to the respective site, and the Off-Site Inductions feature must be enabled in the Site Settings, where applicable.
  • Permit to Work forms must be built into 1Breadcrumb to enable Suppliers to open permits prior to commencing work on site.
  • Plant/Equipment forms must be built into 1Breadcrumb to enable Suppliers to fill out appropriate checklists for the Plant/Equipment they intend to bring onto the site.

❗ Please note, the availability of modules will be restricted based on the terms outlined in the enterprise agreement that your company has engaged in ❗

Mobile App Steps 📱

This function cannot be performed via the Mobile App. Please log into 1Breadcrumb via your computer or laptop.

Web Portal Steps 💻

  1. Navigate to the 'Sites' page using the modules toolbar on the left side of your screen.

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  2. Search for the specific site you want to activate or deactivate the Visitor Types for. You can do this by scrolling through the list of sites or by using the search bar.

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  3. Once you've identified the site, click on the red "Suppliers" button.

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  4. In the new window, a List of Site Suppliers will appear, look for the specific Supplier you want to send the Onboarding Invitation to. You can do this by scrolling through the list of Suppliers or by using the search bar.
  5. Once you've identified the Supplier, click on the "Onboard" button.

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  6. From the pop-up window, review and modify the following, as required:
    1. Decide if you want to send the Supplier a "Quick Onboarding" or "Full Onboarding" invitation by checking the relevant checkbox. To understand the distinction between Quick Onboarding and Full Onboarding, click on this link.

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    2. The "Send Supplier Link To:" field will be automatically populated with the email address associated with this particular Supplier from the Master Directory. Verify that the recipient email address is correct, or replace it with the correct one. If you wish to send this email to multiple recipients, include all other email addresses, separating each with a space.
    3. Review the default subject line of this email, located in the text box beneath the "Send Supplier Link To:" field, and modify it if necessary.

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    4. Review the content in the email body. The email body will contain a default message that you can personalise before sending. Follow this link if you wish to modify the default onboarding invitation email. If personalising the body of the email, ensure that you keep the [SiteName] and [UploadLink] placeholders intact. 1Breadcrumb will automatically update these placeholders with the site name this onboarding invitation is sent from, and generate a unique link for the Supplier to upload their documents into when this email is sent. 

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    5. If you wish to enable the Supplier to complete the induction off site, select the "Include Offsite Induction" checkbox. This will provide Suppliers with the option to share a link with their workers, allowing their workers to complete the induction materials associated with this site prior to arriving. If you wish to disable off-site inductions entirely for this site, follow this link.

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  7. Once you've verified that all the information is accurate, proceed by clicking the "Send Email" button.

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👍 The Supplier will now receive an email from requesting they upload or complete the essential safety documents before they can begin their work on this site 👍

Hot Tip 🔥

When you revisit the "List of Site Suppliers" you can access the Subcontractor onboarding email history by checking the "Last Request Email" column in the List of Site Suppliers register. This column provides details about the issuance of the onboarding email, including the sender, date, and time. Click the blue "View Email History" button for more details.

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VIDEO BELOW - explaining how to onboard a new supplier.