A guide for Administrators to create a Site Briefing form for Site Teams to run toolbox talks, pre-starts, and more.
This guide is for Administrators who need to create a Site Briefing Form that can be completed by Site Managers through the mobile app, and signed by workers as they arrive on-site. These forms are commonly used for conducting toolbox talks, pre-starts, take 5's and more.
Table of Contents 💡
Permissions: Company Host Permissions required. If you do not have permission, please contact your 1Breadcrumb administrator.
Web Portal Instructions 💻
Step 1: Create a New Form
- Start by selecting the Editor menu from the left-hand toolbar
- From the dropdown, select the Forms menu
- On the right-hand side of screen, click on the New Form button
Step 2: Edit the Site Briefing Form
- In the form settings, edit the following fields:
- Form Title: The internal display name for your form
- Button Title: The display name for your form within the Mobile App
- Form Type: The type of form this is, make sure to select Site Briefing
- What sites does this apply to? Where you want this form to show:
- Automatically add to all sites: This form will automatically display on all sites for Site Teams to access via the Mobile App
- Manually add to specific sites: This form must be manually added to specific sites via the Manage Site settings before it is available on the Mobile App
- Default Expiry: The default time this form will stop being active and workers will no longer be forced to read/sign off on.
- No expiry: The user submitting the form must manually provide an expiry date
- End of the day: The form will expire at 11:59 PM on the day of submission
- End of the week: The form will expire at 11:59 PM on the last day of the week
- End of the month: The form will expire at 11:59 PM on the last day of the month
- Auto Renew: An option to enable the form to auto-renew at the time of expiry, prompting workers to read/sign off on the form again.
- Default Expiry: The default time this form will stop being active and workers will no longer be forced to read/sign off on.
- Yes: The form will auto-renew at the time of expiry and workers will be asked to sign on to a new version of the form
- No: The form will not auto-renew at the time of expiry and the form will no longer be active
- Sign-Off: The option to require workers to provide a signature
- Optional: Workers can provide a signature but it is not mandatory
- Mandatory: Workers must provide a signature after reading the form
- Status: Enable or disable the use of this form:
- Active: This form is active and can be used on selected sites
- Inactive: This form is inactive and cannot be used on any sites
- Form Group: If you add this form to a group, it will be organised within that group on the Mobile App - this is useful if you have multiple Site Briefing forms
- Status: Enable or disable the use of this form:
Step 3: Add Questions
- Next, click the + Add Questions button to add new or existing Questions to the Form
- Not sure how to create a Question? Click Here
- Next, click+ Add Announcements to add an existing Announcement to the Form
- Not sure how to create an Announcement? Click Here
- Select from the following fields to add an existing Announcement to the Form:
- Once finished, click on Show Preview to see what your Site Briefing Form will look like
- Once happy, click the Submit button on the bottom right of the pop-up window to finalise your changes and create your Site Briefing Form.
[Insert GIF Here]
Once created, users with Site Host or Company Host access will now be able to submit a Site Briefing Form from the site. Click here to view a guide.
Mobile App Instructions
This feature is not available on the Mobile App.