Create a Permit Form

A guide to creating a Permit Form that your contractors and workers can use to apply for works requiring a Permit.

Permit Forms can be applied for by contractors and workers when on-site and approved by your Site Management team before work can commence. This guide will teach you how to build a Permit Form for your subcontractors to fill out.

Table of Contents 💡

Requirements ❗

Permissions: Company Host Permissions required. If you do not have permission, please contact your 1Breadcrumb administrator.

Web Portal Steps 💻

Step 1: Navigate to the Forms Editor and Create a New Form

  • Click on the Editor menu located on the left-hand toolbar
  • Select Forms from the dropdown list
  • Click on the New Form button on the right-hand side

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Step 2: Edit the Form Settings

  • Add the following fields on the left hand side of the screen:
    • Name: The internal name of the Permit Form
    • Button Title: The name of the button that will appear in the Mobile App
    • Type: Select Permit
    • Apply For: Decide who can apply for this Permit
      • Anyone: The Permit can only be applied for on behalf of an individual/supplier
      • Individual: The Permit can only be applied for on behalf of an individual
      • Supplier: The Permit can only be applied for on behalf of a supplier
    • Is Active: The Permit is active and able to be added/used on a Site
    • Permit Closure Policy: Decide when the Permit Status can be changed:
      • Must be On Hold to close: The Permit must be put On-Hold before it can be Closed out. It cannot be closed out whilst Open.
      • Can close while Open or On Hold: The Permit does not need to be put On-Hold before it can be Closed out. It can be closed whilst Open.
    • Status After Approval: Decide the Permit Status when a Permit is Approved
      • On-Hold: (Default) Requires the Permit applicant to manually complete the Open stage of the permit after Approval. This signals they are physically beginning the work, which could utilise a form if required.
      • Open: The Permit automatically starts in the Open stage after approval. This doesn't require the Permit applicant to signal when they begin the works.
    • Permit Open Form: Use the dropdown menu to add any Generic Forms you would like to be filled out when a user moves a Permit to Open.
    • Permit On-Hold Form: Use the dropdown menu to add any Generic Forms you would like to be filled out when a user moves a Permit to On-Hold.
    • Permit Close Form: Use the dropdown menu to add any Generic Forms you would like to be filled out when a user moves a Permit to Close.
    • Can Set Schedule: Decide if you want to Set a Schedule (Day/Time) that restricts the time that the Permit can be Opened:
      • Enable: Allow the ability to allocate a permit open/close date.
      • Disable: Restrict the ability to allocate a permit open/close date.
    • Can Request Exclusive Access: Decide who can make changes to a Permit:
      • Enable: Only the user who opened the permit can make changes
      • Disable: Other users from that supplier can make changes
    • Form Group: Select or create a category (e.g., High Risk Permits, Environmental Permits, etc.) to group your Forms for easier reporting.
    • Do you want to limit visitors based on types?: Select which Visitor Types you want to be able to complete the Permit Form.
    • Allow users to attach additional documents: Give users the ability to attach other supporting documents as part of their Permit Form.

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Step 3: Edit the Form

  • Select + Add Questions to add an existing Question to the Form
  • Select + Add Announcements to add an existing Announcement to the Form
    • Not sure how to create an Announcement? Click Here
    • Select from the following fields to add an existing Announcement to the Form:
      • DisableRecipients can choose to open and view the announcement at their own discretion.
      • Mandatory View: Recipients are obligated to open and view the announcement.
      • Mandatory View and Sign Off: Recipients must open, view, and acknowledge the announcement.
      • Set Play Through To Mandatory: When uploading video media, recipients are unable to fast forward or skip the video.
  • Click on Show Preview to see what your Permit Form will look like
  • Click Submit in the bottom right hand side of the pop-up window to finalise your changes and create your Permit Form
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Your Permit will now be live and distributed according to your chosen settings above.

Mobile App Instructions

This feature is not available on the Mobile App.