Reporting on Insurances

Using 1BC's supplier document collection on a project level you can manage the Insurances from all your subcontractors and their expiries. Below will show you how to use the reports and set your custom notifications for expired documents.


H3: Table of Contents


Permissions: Company/Site Hosts with permissions. If you do not have these permissions, please reach out to your 1Breadcrumb administrator.


Web Portal Instructions 💻


Step 1: 

Reports for Insurances are found in the same location as other Supplier Document reports: Reports > Supplier Document Report.

Here you can use the filter for Document Type and set it to only Insurances.

This will display a record of all insurances uploaded with an Expiration Date next to them. When the insurance expires, Hosts will be sent a normal 1BC notification (top right bell) notifying them of that expiry date passing.

Expiry Notifications

Step 1: Expiry Report Email Configuration

A great way to keep on top of Insurances expiring is utilising our Document Expiry Report.

As a full company host you can access top right Company Settings > Suppliers > Supplier Document Configuration - At the very bottom you can set up an Expiry report that will notify site hosts of how many documents that have passed their expiry and what companies these belong to.

This will only send a report to those who have emails listed on their profiles and are a site host with “Has All Permissions”.

This can be set Daily/Weekly/Monthly and to specific Document types if you wish.

Step 2: Individual Notification Settings

Individual Hosts can also further customise their expiry notifications in the top right Notifications > Blue Cog > Name of Company. The notification for all supplier documents expiring is linked to the section under Supplier Document.

These are the standard notification settings for hosts. With this default the Expiry report is enabled for all hosts, but if you wish to get an email informing you of individual documents expiring tick email next to Supplier Document Expiration.

Need more info? 
Check out our Insurance videos here: