My employees are selecting 'Employee' in 1Breadcrumb but are coming up as 'Visitors' in Procore?

Learn more about visitor types within the 1Breadcrumb and Procore integration.

If you Timecards, Manpower logs or Visitor logs are displaying incorrect information, review the following steps

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If You are Using Procore Timecards 

Ensure that:

  1. The individual is listed as an employee in Procore.


2. The individual's phone number in Procore matches the one in 1Breadcrumb.

1Breadcrumb uses the individual's phone number as a unique identifier to allow syncing to occur. 

If you are not using Procore Timecards, but are using Manpower logs:

  • Ensure that the individual has picked a supplier, if they do not, they will be in the visitor log.

How do 1Breadcrumb's visitor types integrate with Procore?

The integration between 1Breadcrumb and Procore's visitor types is logged accordingly:

  • Employees - Employees go into Timecards if the Company uses Timecards in Procore, and if not they go into the Man Hours Register/Manpower Log
    (If the employee is listed on Procore as an employee of that company and uses the same phone number for 1BC).
  • Subcontractors - Go into the Man Hours Register/Manpower Log (Based off the supplier company they choose when signing in).
  • Visitors - If someone is not listed as an employee or selects a supplier then they end up in the Visitor Log.