Manage Site Templates

A guide for Company Hosts wanting to add, edit or remove Site Templates used to create new Sites

Site Templates enable you to save custom Site Settings onto a Site Template that can be used when creating a new Site. Saving you time and helping standardise your 1Breadcrumb settings. This guide will show you how to manage those Templates.

Table of Contents


Permissions: Company Host permissions are required. If you do not have access, please contact your 1Breadcrumb administrator.

Web Portal Instructions

Step 1: Navigate to Templates

  • Select the Sites menu from the navigation on the left-hand side of the screen
  • Find where it says Display Mode at the top of the screen
  • Click on the Sites toggle so it says Templates
  • This will shift you from the Sites page to the Templates page

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Step 2: Add, Edit or Delete a Template

  • How to Add a New Template:
    • Click on the +Add New Template button on the top right of the screen
    • In the next screen, click on Project Settings to view the dropdown fields
    • Give your Template a Name and add any Site Settings you want to standardise
    • Click Submit Changes to finalise your Template

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  • How to Edit an Existing Template:
    • Find the Template you want to modify and click on the Edit Template button
    • From here, you can edit the Site Settings for that Template
    • Once you have made your changes, click Submit Changes to finalise

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  • How to Delete a Template
    • Find the Template you want to remove and click on the Edit Template button
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Danger Zone
    • From the dropdown, select Delete Template
    • When prompted, select Yes to confirm you want to delete the Template

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You can now successfully manage your Templates.

Mobile App Instructions

This feature is not available on the Mobile App.