Create a Plant Induction Form

A guide to create a Plant Induction Form to induct Equipment/Plant to site.

Table of Contents 💡

Requirements ❗

Permissions: Company Host Permissions required. If you do not have permission, please contact your 1Breadcrumb administrator.

Web Portal Instructions 💻

Step 1: Open up a new form 

  • Click on the Editor menu located on the left-hand toolbar
  • Select Forms from the dropdown list
  • Click on the New Form button on the right-hand side

Create a Permit Form - 1

Step 2: Edit the fields of your form

  • Name. The name of your form.
  • Button Title. The title show in the app. This can be the same as the name - if multiple forms are left blank they all go into the same group.
  • Type. This allows you to create the following form. Asset Registration
  • Scope.
    • Company Specific, where the content in the Form is for ALL sites in the company.
    • Site Specific, where the content of the Form is manually added for specific sites
  • Ask Mode. The users may be able to access the form While checked-in, After check-out, or Anytime. - Recommended While Checked-in
  • Is Active? Yes, if the form is still active or No, if the form is no longer in use. 
  • Operator Registration Form: A separate generic form to be made if you want the operator to fill out a specific form 
  • Form Group. If you wish for your Forms to be categorized/grouped with other forms. 

    Step 3: Edit the Questions of your Form

    • Select + Add Questions to add an existing Question to the Form. Not sure how to create a Question? Click Here

    For the first set of questions you'd like to add it is recommended you use the Question Type Asset Field and choose from the existing list of Global Asset Field questions at the bottom and add all that are relevant for you to use.

    • The questions here include all the most common fields used in Plant Induction forms such as Make, Model, Serial Number, Operator's form, etc.

    Step 3: Edit the contents of your Form

    • Select + Add Announcements to add an existing Announcement to the Form
      • Not sure how to create an Announcement? Click Here
      • Select from the following fields to add an existing Announcement to the Form:
        • DisableRecipients can choose to open and view the announcement at their own discretion.
        • Mandatory View: Recipients are obligated to open and view the announcement.
        • Mandatory View and Sign Off: Recipients must open, view, and acknowledge the announcement.
        • Set Play Through To Mandatory: When uploading video media, recipients are unable to fast forward or skip the video.
    • Click on Show Preview to see what your Asset Registration Form will look like
    • Click Add in the bottom right hand side of the pop-up window to finalise your changes and create your Asset Registration Form


    Mobile App Instructions

    This feature is not available on the Mobile App.