Modify Induction Visitor Types

If you've created induction materials specifically for certain on-site workers, you can ensure that only the right audience completes it, without needing to bothering anyone who it doesn't apply to also checking into the site.

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Web Portal Steps 💻

  1. Navigate to the 'Editor' tool located on the left-hand toolbar of your 1Breadcrumb portal. Then Select ‘Inductions’ from the dropdown menu.

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  2. A list of Inductions created will appear. Look for the specific Induction you want to edit. Once you've located the Induction you wish to modify, click on the orange "Edit" icon.

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  3. In the pop-up window, navigate to the “Do you want to limit visitors based on types?” field and turn on the “Yes” toggle. From the list of Visitor Types established by your company, click on the ones you want this Induction to apply to when these Visitor Types check into the site. The Visitor Types you have selected will highlight in blue.

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  4. After making all the necessary changes, click ‘Update’ in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up window.

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🎉 Congratulations! You've updated the categories of visitors to whom this induction will be applicable in the future 🎉

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Requirements ❗

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