Edit a Form

This will help you on how you can edit your Forms; The Title, Visitor Types, rearranging the questions, Type of Forms.

Step 1:

 Click on your Editor

Step 2:

Click on Forms

Step 3:

 Click the Edit button on your desired Forms that you want to add a Visitor Type.

Step 4:

Click the button below Do you want to limit visitors based on types? to Yes.

 Step 5:
Click on the desired Visitors you want to add. Employee, Sub-Contractor, and Visitor or any person that you prefer. You may choose just one or two or allOnce they are highlighted in Blue you are good to go.
Step 6:
Click on Update.

You will then see all your Visitor Types on your Forms page.

Step 7:

How to update the Type on forms. Click on Type

Choose one of the following.

    •  Company-Wide 
    •  Site Specific
    • Supplier Document Review
      Click on .

Step 8:

How to rearrange your questions? Click on Items. Hover your mouse on the questions until you see the Hand Icon.

Click and drag the question that you want to transfer.

Click on .

Step 9:

To Edit or Remove the visitors. Same steps, then choose No for Do you want to limit visitors based on types?

Step 10:

To Edit the name of the form just change the Name. Click on .

Congratulations! You have edited your forms.