Edit a Pending Induction

In the process of approving inductions, the head contractor may require you to change some information before it is approved. This article will guide you on how you can edit an induction in the pending status.

The induction can only be edited in the mobile application by the person who submitted it, providing that the induction is in the pending status.

Table of Contents

  • Requirements
  • Mobile App Instructions
  • Web Portal Instructions
  • How do I edit an induction that has already been approved?


Permissions: No specific permissions are required. Only the person who completed the induction is able to edit it.

Settings: The induction intended for editing must be in the Pending status. 

Mobile App Instructions

Step 1

  •  Check in to the site which you have an induction pending for (Check Out and Re-Check In if you are already onsite)
  • You must check in (via location or by QR Code) as the exact same visitor type and supplier (if applicable) as the one you submitted the induction under
  • Once you have checked in, you will see an Induction sub-heading with pending inductions underneath
  • Next to the induction you wish to edit, toggle the Skip button to Edit

Step 2

  • Once toggled to Edit, the induction form will appear with your previously filled in answers and attachments.
  • Go through the questions and edit as required
  • Once done, at the end of the induction, select Check In
  • The changes will be automatically updated for the head builder to approve or reject


Web Portal Instructions

Access to the web portal is unavailable for users who are not Company Hosts or Site Hosts.

You are able to use the app in your internet browser on desktop though.

Go to web.1bc.app and log in as you would on your mobile app.

Follow the same instructions as explained in Mobile App Instructions

How do I edit an induction that has already been approved?

To do this, the induction's status will need to be changed from Approved to Pending. This can only be completed by your head builder. Contact your head builder to assist.