April 2024 - Release Notes

Updates to Location Check In and Rich Text Input Field

Overall Summary

There will be UI updates to Location Check In to assist users to be able to check in easier. Our Site Briefings and Permits tool now has rich text fields for site managers to use to add bullet points, numbering, bold and more!

General Updates and Minor Improvements

  • We'll be adding a rich text question type to the forms tool.
    • To set up this question type, select 'Text', set the Text Mode to 'General' and set the' Text Render Mode' to 'Rich Text'. 

  • Site name has been added to generic form email notifications
  • Bug fix for display condition question has been fixed
  • Full Name Filter in the Reports section should now work as intended

Location Check In Changes

  • There will now be a notification for location check in, when in use and the app is not able to find location
  • When using location check in, the app will now show where the site radius is on the map preview for users to move into the location
Site Briefings
  • Preview of the current Site Briefing Status has been added to the Mobile App